greasemonkey chrome extension download

greasemonkey chrome extension download
YousableTubeFix for Chrome for Greasemonkey - User Scripts.
Greasemonkey: Install from Chrome Extensions: Install from Chrome Web Store. Safari Extensions: Download and install here. Source code:.
Google Chrome to Add Greasemonkey Support.
How do I install a standalone Greasemonkey userscript into Google.
First step, you will need to download Greasemonkey from here; After you installed. In Chrome, you don't have to disable the extension security by running the.
Greasemonkey is a Mozilla Firefox extension that allows users to install. Users of Greasemonkey can write or download scripts and save them to their. As of February 2010, Chrome has limited "native support" for Greasemonkey scripts.

Jun 28, 2011. Installing Greasemonkey user scripts could not be any easier, usually, but how do you install a.js file which has already been downloaded like, for example. The script will be converted to a Chrome extension and installed.
May 23, 2013. (configurable), allows downloading and resizing videos, changes the default video. This is a port of YousableTubeFix for Chrome users.. To use YousableTubeFix for Chrome with the TamperMonkey extension (the script.
Google Chrome 13 Has Better Greasemonkey Support, Proxy API.
Install, Use & Manage Greasemonkey Scripts In Google Chrome.
greasemonkey chrome extension download
How to install a private user script in Chrome 21+? - Super User.DealingWithGreasemonkey - chromium - A new plan for how to.
Jun 7, 2010. Chrome: Blank Canvas Script Handler is a user script manager for Google Chrome that makes Greasemonkey. Downloads. The Greasemonkey Firefox extension will always be one of our favorite Firefox extensions, but as.
Sep 16, 2009. A new plan for how to handle Greasemonkey user scripts in Chrome. A Chrome extension with similar functionality to a Greasemonkey script.
Apr 25, 2013. JobMine Plus 2.1.1 is ready for download! JobMine Plus adds better. Chrome ( extension) Installation. Install Ninjakit; Click the green install.
Jul 19, 2012. However, in Chrome 21 and up, it downloads the file instead, and displays a. Sadly, these settings only seem to affect extensions, apps, and .. How do I install a standalone Greasemonkey userscript into Google Chrome?
User script manager with support for Greasemonkey functions.
Chrome Web Store Download for Greasemonkey - User Scripts.